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Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

We know the difference between polluted and clean air and we will share in few short lines what we can do for you so you could have a fresh air in your home all the time.

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Residential Air Duct Cleaning

Residential Air Duct Cleaning

Clean nature must be combined with clean homes and Residential Air Duct Cleaning Mill Valley can be your best ally to this direction.

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Dryer Duct Cleaning

Dryer Duct Cleaning

You can readily count on our team for professional dryer duct cleaning services, and enjoy safer and more efficient dryer and long lasting results.

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Ventilation Cleaning for Health Reasons

10/11/2016 Back To Blog

It can't be stressed enough that health is wealth. Your health is not only influenced by your body's internal milieu or the environment within but it is most certainly also influenced by the environment without. When you're at home, this external environment IS your home. It is the physical structure of the house that you live in. This is the reason why you need to take charge of the physical home environment you're residing in to make sure that your health is at its optimum level. The ubiquitous part of the environment of your home is the air that circulates through air ducts. This is why you need to keep them clean and free of contaminants and debris. The most reliable way of getting the best air duct cleaning done is by calling our professional HVAC air duct cleaners.Ventilation Cleaning for Health Reasons

The Hidden Health Hazard

One of the most common health hazards that's lurking in the nook and cranny of every home is dust. Dust itself is allergy-inducing but another reason why dust build-up is not favorable is because of the possible infestation of dust mites. This combination of dust and dust mites create a home environment that's very conducive to skin and respiratory allergic manifestations. In most people, the symptoms usually are hay fever, watery eyes, itchy throat, nasal congestion, cough and a runny nose. For younger children, especially infants, these allergic reactions can be manifested in the skin with the development of eczema.

To prevent flaring of previously known allergies or to prevent the development of new dust-related allergies, you need to be conscious of how well maintained and clean your central air conditioning system works. You may find that you require an air filter replacement to help keep out dust as well as bigger particulates such as hair from getting sucked into the air vents. If your air ducts haven't been cleaned for about a couple years or so, then it's about time to call our air duct cleaning service. It's best to leave this big a task to our professionals as they have the right tools and the manpower to do it.

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